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Jõekääru puhkekeskus ja kämping

Projekti detailid

Perfect Vacation on the Edge of Peipsi, Estonia

Jõekäaru Puhkekeskus, a newly built camping area by Lake Peipsi, needed a strong visual identity and digital presence to attract visitors from local families and fishermen as well as companies that want to organize seminars and events. The goal was to create, logo, a user-friendly website with a booking system that would be well found on search engines and social media channels.


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Bränd ja visuaal

Logo and Color Solutions: We created a unique logo and color scheme for Jõekääru Puhkekeskus, which reflect the serenity of nature and the holiday mood.

Photography and Videography: We organized an extensive photo and video shoot using drones and professional cameras to capture the beauty of the resort and the surrounding area.




Structure and Content: We designed an intuitive and visually appealing website that offers easy navigation and clear information for visitors. The website contains specially designed icons to illustrate services and multilingual content (in Estonian, English and Russian).

Reservation system: We integrated a user-friendly reservation system on the website, which allows visitors to conveniently book accommodation and events.

SEO ja digiturunudus

SEO and Google Ads: We carried out extensive SEO optimization and started Google Ads campaigns to improve the findability of the recreation center in search engines.
Social Media and Partnership: We manage the presence of the recreation center on Instagram, Facebook and other tourism websites (Puhkaeestis.ee, Idaviru.ee). We used the fan base of partners like Wironia Pub & Hotel to reach a larger target audience.

Tõlkimised ja blogi

Multilingualism: We translated the entire content of the website into Estonian, English and Russian to ensure the availability of information to a wider audience.
Blog: Added blog where we regularly post articles about Lake Peipsi, fishing and local recreation opportunities.

Tehnoloogiad ja tööriistad

We used the following tools and platforms to implement the project:

WordPress for website development and management.
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for creating visual materials.
Specific WordPress plugins for booking system and SEO work.


Project Uniqueness and Objectives:
The River Recreation Center (Jõekääru) project offered Voolar Agency a unique opportunity to create a comprehensive branding and digital presence for a new and fresh recreation center by Lake Peipsi. Our goal was not only to design a beautiful and functional website, but also to ensure that the recreation center is easily found in various digital channels and platforms.

Creativity and Innovation:
Throughout the project, we invested in creativity and innovation to differentiate Jõekääru Puhkekeskus from competitors. The visual identity, which included a unique logo, color palette, professional photos and videos, reflected the essence of the center and invited visitors to experience the peace and beauty of Lake Peipus. We used drone photos and videos to provide unique views and create an attractive and immersive visual experience.

Technical Expertise:
On the technical side, we created a user-friendly and functional website with multilingual content and an integrated booking system. SEO and Google Ads campaigns helped to improve the findability of the website and increase traffic. In addition, we optimized all technical aspects of the website to ensure a fast and smooth user experience.

Cooperation and Results:
The success of the project was not only based on the efforts of our team, but also on close cooperation with the client. The customer’s feedback and quick response helped us achieve the desired results and create a product that met all expectations. We are sure that the created visual identity and digital presence will help Jõekääru Puhkekeskus achieve long-term success and growth.

All in all, the Jõekääru Puhkekeskus project was a source of inspiration and challenge for us, which allowed us to use our best skills and knowledge. We are proud to have been able to help create a strong and attractive presence for the recreation center on Lake Peipsi and look forward to further results and feedback. This project further confirms our commitment to provide our customers with the highest quality services and solutions that meet their needs and expectations.

Kliendi tagasiside

The project is still in its early stages, but initial results are promising. Our camping clients feedback has been very positive, especially in terms of visual quality and user-friendliness. Google Ads campaigns and SEO work have helped spread information about the recreation center faster.

Voolar Agency’s work has helped create a strong foundation for the future development and visibility of Jõekääru Puhkekeskus.


Loovjuht: Arvo Juhkov
Veebijuht: Roman Aljohhin